Monday 23 January 2012

Being Birthday Kind

So it's his birthday today and I've got to be very kind to him. I am finding this difficult because I bought him a watch (that he had asked for). He then told me he didn't want that watch and sent me a link to another one. So I took the tube (changing trains) to the watch shop when I should have been working, and exchanged the one he had originally asked for, for the new one he now wanted. I gave him the watch this morning and he said 'thank you' and put it in the drawer. When I asked him why he wasn't wearing it, he said it was the wrong watch. But it is his birthday and so I have to be kind to him all day. Only 11 1/2 hours to go.

But really, the watch thing is not the problem. It is a symptom of the problem. And the problem, mainly, is communication. Actually, probably not mainly. Probably wholly. So I am trying very hard to work on the problem of communication without seeing him as a problem, but instead seeing myself as the agent of change. I will let you know how it's going.  I have started with an old fashioned calendar. If it ain't on the calendar, it ain't happenin'

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